No, I meant RAIN, A Tribute to the Beatles!


The weather in Calgary hasn’t been all too sunny for the season, but all the rain has reminded me of one of my favorite bands of all time! Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles, is an amazing band and their concert a couple of years ago was the first I had ever been to. From their website, I found their history. Since I love the Beatles, I would definitely want any other Beatles lover to go out and see them. Read the paragraph below from their website by Merle Frimark to learn a bit more about them:

Feb. 9, 1964 was Sunday night that would change the course of popular music, popular culture—and history, forever!  Millions of Americans tuned into The Ed Sullivan Show to watch a group of four mop-topped Englishmen in dark suits who called themselves The Beatles. What they witnessed was a new and exciting brand of melodic, guitar-and-harmonies-driven rock ‘n’ roll that was as infectious as it was original and unique.  Little did the members of the current day Beatles Tribute Band, RAIN, know that they would themselves come together in a band, forging a career that would keep them together longer than The Beatles! Throughout this time, RAIN band members have raised the bar for professionalism and preservation of the legacy of The Beatles recorded music on stage to wildly enthusiastic audiences. Spanning the generations, RAIN audiences include older fans who never got to see The Beatles perform live and fans who were not yet born when The Beatles hit America. Regardless of age, the RAIN Beatles tribute band delivers a performance that is as entertaining as it is technically on par with The Beatles original works.

This was only the first paragraph, but to read the rest of their history, click here. I’m excited to say that they will be coming to the Saddledome in Calgary on June 3rd, 2010! For those of you who do not live in Calgary, and think Rain is something you may want to see, click here for information on tours and tickets!

Have you seen Rain before? Do you think they really are a great tribute to the Beatles? For those of you who have not, does this seem like something you are interested in?