No child for sale

Courtesy World Vision Canada Facebook
Courtesy World Vision Canada Facebook

Courtesy World Vision Canada Facebook

Did you know that an estimated 85 million children across the world are sold are trafficked into child labour jobs? These are dangerous, dirty and degrading. Of these 85 million, there are an estimated 2 million children worldwide being affected by sexual exploitation each year. In 2013, World Vision Canada launched the No Child for Sale national campaign to raise awareness on Child Slavery. This year, they need YOUR help in continuing  to eliminate it.

What You Can Do:

Learn More: World Vision has an amazing website regarding Child Slavery, everything from infographics to real stories from mothers.

Sign the Petition:Stay up to date on theCourtesy World Vision Canada Facebook latest news on child slavery and demand.

Take Action: Donate and help sponsor a child. When shopping, be conscious of where retailers and suppliers manufacture their products. When travelling, be sure to support child safe tourism.

Child slavery should not exist in this world. I challenge everyone of you to take action, and help eradicate child exploitation. Become the Voice for the World’s Children!

Courtesy World Vision Canada Facebook
Courtesy World Vision Canada Facebook


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