New Start! Read!


The second semester is coming soon! And many of us may have great individual plans for a new start, especially Grade 12 students. As an ESL student myself, I would like to focus on a big tips for English.

Read a lot!!! We have to be flexible readers through skimming and scanning. Skimming is an important task to pre-read the texts and it helps us to get general ideas of the reading passages. Most students might suffering with timing on ELA tests, especially, because there are lots of reading but we do not have enough time. So, in this case, we need skimming skills. If we have brief ideas, it makes huge difference when answering questions. Did you realize that with many of the questions from the ELA comprehension test questions, we are able to answer the questions without reading a text? Thus, if we skim first in 2-3 minutes, we will be able to answer most of our questions without wasting our limited time on reading. Then we have to scan if we need to only the specific part where we have to know the details.

Vocabulary is key. A better vocabulary boosts your mark, especially on essay. Reading, of course, give us a tremendous vocabulary. Vacabulary always helps us to understand everything more obviously and contributes to write more accurate sentences with deeper meanings. Reading also provide us many knowledges and ideas of different are of study which would helpful to write an essay or understand some specific articles.

See more benefits of reading from Google research and be aware why reading is so important in our life. Read a lot and give a few minutes to yourself to read every day.

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