Netflix Obsessions: the 100


I recently started watching a new show on Netflix called The 100. I saw a magazine ad for this CW Network show awhile back and it really caught my eye. Ever since I found out it is also on Netflix (updated every Thursday!), and a book, I cannot stop talking about The 100!

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Plot: Earth had a huge nuclear war and survivors found refuge in the Ark, a spaceship that is orbiting around Earth in order to continue sustaining life. It has been years since this tragedy, and the leaders of the Ark think that after 500 years, that it is finally safe to return to Earth. However, they do not want to risk death, so they send down 100 children in Juvenile Detention to make sure it is safe. Among these 100 is Clarke, a young girl whose mother is a nurse on the ship and wants to protect her family. On the  other hand, there is also Bellamy, a boy who wants to rebel and cut off communication with the Ark in order to convince them that Earth is unstable, so the kids may live freely on land, alone.

Although it is not even on it’s tenth episode, I have already fallen in love with Bellamy. He is such an intriguing character and is played by an amazing actor, Bob Morley. He is stubborn, and sometimes rude, but he is also very caring and protective over his sister Octavia and not to mention Clarke. Although they are not dating, I am a strong believer in Bellarke and hope to see them together soon.

The story is also very compelling and the show plays it out perfectly. Each episode is 45 minutes and switches between the people on Earth and the people on the Ark. It is interesting to see both sides of the story unfold and get the contrast between the stress and worry of all the officials in space and the carelessness of the delinquents down on Earth.

Side note: the soundtrack for the show is impeccable. There are songs by Imagine Dragons, Youngblood Hawke and Ben Howard!

I hope you’ll check out the 100 on Netflix or the CW channel and love it as much as I do!