Netflix Obsessions: G.B.F


Although this movie is not a “Netflix Original”, I discovered it on Netflix with my sister and decided to watch it, and instantly fell in love with movie.

*Warning, this movie is rated R for sexual references. Get a parents permission before watching/watch at your own risk*

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The plot of this movie is simple. Three of the high school’s most popular girls, Fawcett, ‘Shley and Caprice, are looking for G.B.F (Gay Best Friend), because it is the latest trend. However they don’t know anyone who could fit the role, but when word gets out that a student named Tanner is gay, the girls quickly compete to see who can win him over. Although at first sight, the synopsis sounds highly offensive, suggesting that gay people are merely accessories for teenage girls to show off, the movie teaches us a message that is the complete opposite. The message in the film is that you should not let anyone own you, and you should not try to own anyone else. It teaches us that we shouldn’t see gay people as accessories or the latest trend, but treat them like you would treat a straight person; like a human being.

One of my favorite things about this film is that many of the cast members, even the director, are part of the LGBTQ community. It helps get the message across to stop promoting “gay best friends”. I think it makes it more personal that many cast members are in this community because it shows that maybe they are offended by this term as well. Yes it is completely okay to have a best friend who is gay, however you shouldn’t call them a “gay best friend”, you should simply refer to them as “my best friend”.

Another thing I like about this movie is its simplicity and cheesiness. If you are looking for a high quality film with amazing acting, I do not recommend this movie. The jokes are painfully funny, and the acting isn’t anything extraordinary But that’s the thing, if this movie was made with complicated lines, hidden meanings and played by extremely famous actors, the message would be lost. In the movie G.B.F, the message is clear and concise, everything about the high school they go to is stereotypical, so the message gets across simply and in a relateable way.

If you are looking for a light hearted, feel good movie to watch on a rainy day or a Sunday afternoon, I highly suggest G.B.F. It will make you laugh, smile and cry all at once! Plus you can watch it right now on Netflix, how awesome is that?