Mystery Novel: Introduction


I can honestly say that I’m a guy who loves reading. But when I go looking for books, I will only select one written by a handful of authors who I trust.

My friends have always made fun of me for being paranoid. So naturally, I made a new years resolution to be less paranoid.

Due to the success I have experienced with becoming less paranoid I decided to try that when it come to reading books. I plan on reading 6-8 books from authors that I haven’t read from and see how it goes. Then I plan on sharing my thoughts on the novels.

I have no idea when I will be able to get my hands on the novels and when I would complete reading them. In fact I currently don’t know for sure what novels I shall be reading.

All I know is that through this experiment, I will definitely read the “Catcher of The Rye” and “World War Z” and I will be fully honest with the reviews.

If you have any suggestions please leave it in the comments section. Tune in next week for the first novel in this experiment.