My Summer Bucket List

In preparation for this summer, my best friends and I made a summer bucket list that would inspire us to enjoy our last few summers together before heading off to university. Now, this summer, we wanted to meet each other more often, try things we had never done but have always wanted to do and most of all, have fun!

What is a bucket list and its purpose?

Some of you may be wondering what a bucket list is and what it is used for, so let me explain. A bucket list a series of activities, goals and dreams that an individual wants to complete in their life. The purpose of this list is to make the most of life and complete as many activities and goals as possible before crossing it off and moving on to the next. By creating this list, an individual can form memorable experiences, try new things that may be out of their comfort zone and be excited to work towards something. In my case, I made a bucket list with my 3 best friends exclusively for this summer. 

What is on a bucket list?

A bucket list can include the activities an individual wants to do, goals that they want to work toward and much more. However, there is no set rule on what goes and cannot go on a bucket list. This list is completely based on the individual and their aspirations. Therefore, each list is completely different and personalized. 

My bucket list

Now that we have looked into what a bucket list is, its purpose and things that we can include on it, I would like to share some of the things that have made their way onto the bucket list that my friends and I made. Note: all of the things on this list will be done safely based on Covid-19 restrictions.

 Now, let’s begin! 

  • Going boating together at a lake 
  • Spending Canada Day together while watching the fireworks and having a BBQ
  • Stargazing with glow sticks 
  • Thrifting books at a bargain bookstore 
  • Visiting an arcade 
  • Getting boba together at our favorite place 
  • Baking and decorating cupcakes together
  • Having a water fight with water balloons, water guns, water sponges and more 
  • Playing volleyball on the trampoline 
  • Learning to drive and getting our licenses 
  • Going rollerblading together at a nearby park 
  • Going for a long drive to Banff, Kananaskis or Elbow Falls 
  • Holding a board games tournament 
  • Playing Among us in real life 
  • Going biking from the suburbs to downtown Calgary
  • Playing UNO together 
  • Making clay projects together and painting them 

Final Thoughts

That’s it! Now, some of the things on this list may seem unusual or outlandish, but they are things my friends and I want to do. For example, ever since Among Us came out, we have been hooked. Oftentimes, you can find us playing this game. Therefore, playing a game that is somewhat similar to Among Us in real life is something that excites us. In addition, we have only ever played UNO together online because of Covid-19. Therefore, playing this in real life is something that is meaningful and exciting for us. Since school has ended, we have also completed a couple things on this bucket list already. For example, we have already checked off the water fight and clay projects. Having shared my bucket list with you guys, I hope that I have inspired you to make one of your own. I truly believe that this is a great way to have meaningful experiences, step out of your comfort zone and do more of what you love!   

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