My Pet Peeves


Pet peeves, we all have ’em. They can all range from loud chewing to having too many tabs open. There is no limit to pet peeves. Some of mine are rather common, while others are unique.

What Is A Pet Peeve?

A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that someone finds particularly irritating to them. In other words, things that annoy you that are out of your control.

NOW. Here are a list of my pet peeves:

  • When people try to touch my face

Especially when they don’t ask first!! Like- when was the last time you washed your hands?? I don’t want to break out.

  • When people don’t know when to stop

If someone tells you to stop, STOP. If you keep going you’re literally the worst person imaginable. Of course, there’s a difference between a playful “stop” and an assertive, serious “stop.” Use your context clues to figure out which they might mean. 🙂

  • Loud chewing/breathing

No explanation needed. It’s just incredibly annoying.

  • Slow walking

The thing that sucks about slow walking is that they usually travel in packs, making it harder to get around them. Please be mindful of your surroundings and try your best not to block everything that’s within a 10 meter radius of you. Thanks in advance!!

  • Standing too close to me


  • Standing too far away from me

Come closer to me!!!! I don’t bite- I swear :((

  • When someone doesn’t know the words to a song but still tries to sing it

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know the words to a song. Maybe consider humming it instead of killing the vibe.

  • Chewing with our mouth open

I do NOT need to see allat. Close your mouth PLEASEEEE.

  • Sniffling

Sniffling isn’t too bad. But CONSTANT sniffling is way worse. Just get a paper towel or go to the washroom.

  • Snails/Caterpillars/Any type of worm or frog

Words cannot describe the pure hatred I have for worms and frogs. They’re so gross, make me sick to my stomach and make my skin crawl. They have the whole world to roam, but choose to be within a 2 mile radius of me.

  • Telling me to do something while I’m doing it or about to do it

Now that you’ve told me to do it, I don’t feel like doing it!

  • Lying

Yeah, every once in a while you may have to lie. But when someone lies to me and I know that they’re lying. It makes my blood boil. Especially when they had no reason to lie.

  • Staring at me

It really depends on what kind of stare it is. Is it a friendly stare or a judgement stare?

  • When someone steps on my heel while I’m walking

When your shoe pops off your heel or completely falls off. Then while hobbling out of the way, you have to death stare the person who committed the crime.

  • When someone calls your name but when you respond to them, they don’t answer

*AHEM AHEM* PARENTS. WHY DO YOU DO THIS??? Now I have to stop whatever I’m doing and walk ALL the way to you. Just let me know what I have to do before hand.

Those are pretty much all of my pet peeves. Feel free to comment on this blog with a list of your pet peeves! Or your opinions on some of mine 🙂


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