My fave restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings


Buffalo Wild Wings is a restaurant that has pub style decor, but is not a pub.


To start, I ordered the soft pretzels and they were quite good with the standard cheese sauce, but you can also choose from a selection of 17 sauces for no extra charge, which is pretty cool. Soon after the wings came, I happened to be in a group so I was able to try out 5 sauces (5 of the 17). All sauces were delicious, but I enjoyed the Asian zing most. The food was spectacular and was beyond what I expected.



The menu has a large selection, from pretzels to wings and even burgers. But even though the menu does have a large variety, it does not cater towards vegetarians or dietary needs.

The service started off a bit dull as the waitress was not smiling and did not seem happy to be there. She took our orders and tended to us quite well. At a later point, the manager began to chat with us a bit and see how we liked our food. Overall the service was good as it did its job and was somewhat entertaining.


Food 5/5

Menu 3/5

Service 4/5

Overall I give this restaurant a 4/5  because the food was great, the menu had variety but lacked accommodation and the service had its ups and downs but did its job.