My advice to you: High School Edition


It all depends on the individual when they describe their transition from junior high to high school. Most of the time it’s one of two ways.

On one hand, they may say the move was easy, perhaps even enjoyable. On the other hand, they might liken the move to being on on a sightseeing cruise on the country highway to suddenly being engaged in a high speed car chase with machine gun being aimed and fired at you from behind.


All you and others can ask of you is your best

Say you’re in that car chase and you’re running out of gas. You’re panicking, your tired, you’re wondering, “when will this be over?” You turn around and in the back seat is your picnic basket. You look at it and in the likeness of someone watching a ping pong tournament you swivel your head back and forth, splitting your attention on the basket and the road.

“Alright, okay, okay, well… I’m in a high speed car chase, and I’ve got a basket in my backseat…”

In a last ditch effort, you think “I could… throw it?”

The most deadly weapon in the universe.

If all you’ve got in you, if your best is throwing that picnic basket then by gosh you throw it. Maybe when you throw that basket you end up blinding your pursuers and you lose them, maybe that basket gains you only a couple  of precious minutes, or maybe it does absolutely nothing. The only thing you can do, is do what you can with what you have. Use your time wisely, choose your courses wisely, build your strengths wisely. Your best in Art can be a 90% your best in Math can be a 75%. As long as you try and put your whole effort in, that’s all you can do. Do not break yourself trying to achieve an impossible standard.




Come to know what your priorities are

Yes, learn them. Not everybody’s are the same.









Surround yourself with people you actually like and who are nice to you

Or maybe do put them in the dumpster

Life is waaaay too short to waist your energy on people who put you second, step on you, ignore you, constantly hurt you, spread hate, and encourage
bad behaviors. If they act like trash, put them in the dumpster because that’s where they belong. (Disclaimer: Do not actually put them in a dumpster)

The whole cutting them out of your life seems simple on paper but sometimes it’s not. Sometimes a dependency on their presence develops and leaving them feels like losing the footing you once had. You’ll find your way to stand up right eventually just keeping going and find support from those around you, it’s there.



Get involved!

How are you going to know what you’re passionate about and what your talents are if you don’t actually try stuff? If you’re even slightly interested in photography maybe try out yearbook or newspaper club. Interested in fitness? Join a sports team. Maybe the chess team or debate team is more up your aisle if you like being analytical and solving puzzles. If you enjoy the performing arts join the school play! Don’t let high school be defined by school work but as the place where you got to figure yourself out a little more.

Do not worry if your school doesn’t have something that interests you, you can always start your own club! Don’t forget that there are a fair bit of opportunities outside of school too. In Calgary, there’s an organization called Youth Central which provides youth the opportunity to become a bigger part of the community. They also offer a lot of leadership possibilities. This blog is part of Youth Central and is considered a steering committee. There are also many Youth Councils in the city you can be a part of like the Youth Advisory Council for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Find a balance in your life that suites your priorities.



Breath in, breath out… and relax

Not going to lie, the possibility that you’re going to be hella stressed at least once in your high school years is at about 99.99%. Homework is going to pile on (especially if your in IB, AP, or/and are doing various core subjects in one semester) and your after school activities will take up precious studying time. Not to mention that life in general likes pulling some really shady moves.

Your energy level and motivation will plummet by the end of every year and you will indeed feel like you’re in that high speed car chase so in order to ease that, take breaks. Go watch a movie, pick up a relaxing hobby, read a book, do what ever eases you once in a while. Oh and also STOP PROCRASTINATING. Alright, procrastinating is inevitable, but be kind to yourself and limit it. Make study plans. I swear if you’re going to take anything from my advice other than throwing out the trash is this: plan, plan, plan as much as you can and stick to it. This might seem like more work in the present but it will save you so much hair if you take in work little by little instead of everything two nights before over and over again. It’s not healthy to be chronically on edge, do what you can to limit your stress. Sometimes talking to someone whether it be a friend or a counselor can really help. Don’t bottle things up and wait to explode. Take care of yourself.



Enjoy what you can in these 3-4 years of your life, just remember it’s not the all-end-be-all. You will go on a heck of a roller coaster and I hope to see you all finish where you want to. I wish you all the best.






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