Music to My…Phone


If you’re a music junkie like me and absolutely need a good dose of music to even function properly, then these apps are for you! Generally, I’m fairly open to any kind of music, and these three apps have definitely helped me discover new artists, genres, and types of music. However, even if you listen to a specific sound only, these apps are also great for satisfying your needs as well:

1. Music Tube: not exactly an app that gives you musical suggestions or anything of the sort, but still a great and convenient app. Downloading songs onto my phone is always a pain, because I have to go through the whole process of plugging my phone into my computer, connecting to iTunes, and then converting the music from my computer onto my phone.  It’s not exactly the greatest when there’s no computer around and you’re dying to download a particular song. This is where Music Tube comes in handy- not only can you download and save songs to your phone directly from your phone , all the songs you choose to download are free. If the “free” part wasn’t good enough,- well, it gets better. Not only are the songs free, but you also download the songs off of YouTube, meaning that along with the free song comes a free video. I’ve tried many apps similar to Music Tube, but it is the easiest and most convenient app by far. And as if the word “free” wasn’t used enough in the mentioning of this app, I guess I should also mention that the app itself is free as well. I couldn’t believe it at first, either.

2. Songza: This app is probably already too well known, but I had to include it. Because it is so popular, I won’t go on too much of a raving tangent like I did with Music Tube, but if you haven’t, please do download Songza. It’s definitely the perfect app for people on both ends of the spectrum, including people who are receptive to all music, and people who are more confined to listening to one genre only.

3. TuneIn Radio: This is one of the best apps for listening to the radio from anywhere across the world. Not only are the selections of music stations beyond limited, you can also tune into radio stations covering all subjects, including weather and sports. If you have an iPhone, this app is particularly wonderful as for some odd reason, they don’t yet have built in radios.



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