

It’s interesting how people often surprise you with their unexpected preferences, and one example I’ve been reflecting on lately is music. It’s not uncommon to see people walking around wearing earbuds, living in a world of music that the rest of us cannot hear or understand. But I do often wonder what it is people listen to, and many times, I’ve been surprised to realize people are into genres of music I would never have expected them to be into. You may think you know a person, but it’s little things like this that remind me I cannot assume I know everything about someone- something I’ve been guilty of doing on too many occasions.

On the one hand, what you listen to can say a lot about your tastes, your personality, and even your attitude. On the other hand, what you listen to can be the exact antithesis of your outward appearance. It’s interesting to notice this in other people, and to realize that while some do enjoy the kind of music that ‘fits’ their personality, there are many people who listen to music that quite contrasts the person they seem to otherwise be.

There are definitely people who fit into the former category, people who listen to the beautiful sort of soundtrack one would expect as they study. There are also those who listen to the last thing you would expect them to, people who may look like they listen to peaceful soundtrack, but who actually listen to something else. For example, I recently found out a friend is into rap, which I never would have guessed having always subconsciously associated the genre with the ‘cool, mainstream’ type of person that is quite the opposite of the intelligent character that is my friend.

I suppose I myself am an example of this category. It’s interesting to ask people to guess what I listen to, and ever since 8th grade, I’ve found some sort of amusement in realizing people generally don’t expect me to listen to what I listen to. For really, when one looks at me, it is easy to see a nerd, a kid who can be shy but quite forward about ideas as well, and a character who is always dedicated to their work- at times, too much so. Back when I was younger, people would have seen a sweet character (ahaha that’s faded since XD). So I found it funny when people would guess- classical? Definitely not. Instrumental? Sometimes. I do like some movie tracks. I went through a Pirates of the Caribbean phase for sure, and I do respect Hans Zimmer. But for the most part? I’m kinda into metalcore. Before you start judging, know that I’m quite picky and won’t just listen to anything heavy… but I have to say, Of Mice and Men’s Restoring Force has got to be my favourite album. I’m also currently getting into The Amity Affliction… so yeah, not exactly what you’d expect me to listen to.

Personally, I’m into bands that explore human suffrage, bands that allow head banging and jumping to their music but also express misery and allow me to feel I’m letting out any sort of pain or hurt that has accumulated within me. It’s interesting to tap into this almost angry side of me, and I personally feel it is far better for me to explore it in music than to express it in my person. In any case, it is interesting to realize that it’s not just me, but that there are also others who enjoy playing different personas. Isn’t that something commonly done these days, what with all the characters people assume while gaming, or in the vast face of the internet and different media platforms? We all enjoy playing different roles, being different avatars, imagining a world where we are not ourselves. I suppose for me, that’s something I accomplish by listening to my music. The songs I listen to paint a world of suffrage, a world in which we are all alone, abandoned and miserable. To feel I can tap into a world of pain and anger, and yet to be able to leave it so easily, by means of hitting pause- that makes me feel empowered. I suppose that’s the goal of personas in general, to some extent: to make us more sure of our own person by the means of exploring alternate realities, trying out different characters, and yet easily returning to our selves. In any case, I like my music.

It’s generally interesting to note how people like to explore different realms and personas. We are not simple beings to be limited to one overall character, and to see how people tap into different parts of themselves through different means is fascinating. And it’s not alway music or art either; it’s interesting that as you get to know a person, you begin to realize different parts of them that they express in different places, and under specific circumstances. To see people’s hidden strengths is always amazing, but it’s also interesting to realize that people are more than you expect in ways other than their strengths, in their little preferences and tastes as well. To be aware that people are not simple and straightforward- that people are not necessarily what you expect- really is valuable in realizing the limitations of how we judge them. Taste in music is but a small example, but even as we get to know a person, we must keep in mind that we do not know everything about them, and cannot judge every detail in their person as what they are. Rather, we have to realize that every one of us is made up of good and bad, of normal and strange. In the end, we all have something worth contributing to this world, and we all have to be aware that despite everyone’s oddities, we should not judge a person based on their appearance. Instead, we ought to allow everyone their contributions to this world, and not judge them for little aspects of their personality which we may find strange or odd. For after all, aren’t we all odd in one another’s eyes? 🙂


(finished this article listening to ‘Pittsburg’ by The Amity Affliction, if you were curious)

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Nikoo Givehchian
Nikoo is a first-year blogger at YAA, and she hopes to be able to use this platform to express some of her thoughts while further developing her ability to write for an audience. She loves to inspire debate by questioning matters often unquestioned, and the exploration of the nature of a variety of topics intrigues her as well. A Grade 12 IB Diploma student at Sir Winston Churchill High School, she is always busy and enjoys the challenge of balancing her school work with her extracurriculars, which also include volunteering and serving as a member of YVC steering committee. When she has the time (or even when she doesn't), Nikoo enjoys reading, drawing, and occasionally fulfilling her need for sleep.