Moving away? Not to fear!


In my experience, moving away from your friends and family can be hard, especially when you’ve lived somewhere for what seems like forever. But not all is lost! Try to think positively, think about your new school and a chance to make new friends. Think not about going, but about coming. And try to remember that it’s not the end of the world. When you actually get there, you’ll have a new room and a new house, and you’ll be given a chance to start from scratch.

As a consolation for the move, try to convince your parents to buy you some new clothing, or if you’re not into clothes, decorations for your room or locker or whatever it is you’re into.

Since it’s a new school no one knows who you are, so act a little more confident. Try to be confident when you arrive; if you’re confident in yourself,  it is easy for you make new friends.

Last but certainly not least, remember that you’re amazing no matter what anyone says about you. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you, but you have the power to ignore them and just hang out with the people who like you and accept you for whoever it is you are.