Motivational Tips To Study


Do you have trouble focusing? Can you find motivation to study? I will admit, maintaining focus can become difficult if all you can think is anything but studying. After years of going to school, I have come across a few tips that have always helped me to stay motivated.

1. Vision board

Find inspirational quotes that motivate you to achieve your goals, this will give you a purpose to study. Display them where you can see them, this way when you are occupied with things other than studying, your vision board comes into your view and reminds you what you should be doing.

2. To-Do List

Make a list of everything you have to do. This will help you to stay organized and focused on things you need to get done for the day. Writing things down will also ease your mind because you not exerting as much energy to remember everything you need to get done. It’s also been proven that every time you cross something off your checklist, it releases small amounts of dopamine, which will have you feeling good about what you’re accomplishing.

3. Natural Light

Try sitting by a window or a skylight while you work. Natural light can increase our body’s production of Vitamin D and this exposure can make us feel happier, which will enable us to get more done and concentrate better.

4. Productive Breaks

Take breaks but I’m not talking about a 3-hour hiatus from studying, but a 10-15 mins break can make all the difference. If you’ve been sitting in front of your textbook for hours, move your body, get some fresh air and go for a walk. Do something to relieve your mind. You’ll feel less stressed and more focused on the information in front of you.

5. Treat Yourself

It’s easy to lose focus when your tired, so reward your hard work by treating yourself to something you love. Eat your favourite food, beverage, anything that will bring your spirits up. Its okay to give in to this because it will give you a peace of mind.

6. Sleep

We usually need approximately 6-8 hours of sleep in order for our brain to function at its peak the next day. Less than 6 hours may leave you leering towards your bed for a nap. Get enough sleep to maximize your productivity for the next day.

7. Music

Tune in your favourite song while you prepare for the day. When it’s time to study, utilize your music to stay focused and avoid distractions. Try listening to classical or instrumental songs. By losing song lyrics, you are able to focus better on the words you are reading while you study.