Motivation 101- Overcoming Failure


I have been through it, you have been through it, we all have been though it. It is something we dread the most – failure. It pops up in the crevices of our lives, invading the sense of sanctity that resides there.


Well, you know what? you aren’t alone. And being experienced in the art of life, I can say this- it is okay to fail! Now you may be thinking “How would she know what is going on in my life?”. And you’re right, I don’t. I probably won’t. But I know that you are a strong person and you can overcome this obstacle.


Sometimes, failure may feel like a huge terrible thing, like a cookie monster out to steal your favorite cookies. But think of all the failures you have had- that bad quiz, the race you lost in gym class, etc. All those failures have brought to where you are now, and all those moments have summed up to make the person you are right now. You probably don’t even remember how bad you had felt then. So think of this failure as a challenge you have to overcome; an obstacle in your path to success. I believe in you, and so do those who love you. Don’t ever be harsh on yourself. There are 70 trillion cells n your body fighting to keep you alive and healthy.

When you will look back at your life, at all the decisions you have made, hurdles you have jumped over, you will realize that all were there for a purpose- to guide you to your purpose. So don’t worry if there is a failure! Smile, accept it as a challenge, and be victorious. Because more than me, you know that you can do it.