More Resources to Help You Tackle Diploma Multiple Choice Exams



Following my previous post, this list of resources ensures that you’ll be prepared for diploma-style multiple choice exams. Additionally, I wanted to specifically focus on English and Social, because multiple-choice tests for those subjects are harder for most students.

Previous Diplomas

These are probably the most important documents you can look at.

Guides for students

Examples of students’ writing and practice questions

Support documents (what you should know for the diplomas)

Archived diplomas dating back to the 1980s

Practice Tests

Practice makes perfect! These practice tests improve your ability to take multiple-choice tests.

Quest A+ practice tests

Supplementary Information

Another good way of preparing for diplomas is actually looking at how they do things in AP courses, so even if you’re not in an AP course, you can learn some skills that can especially help on tricky multiple-choice exams.

AP English Language Reading (Rhetorical Analysis) Multiple-Choice Questions

AP English Literature Attacking Multiple-Choice Questions, Part 1: Prose and Part 2: Poetry

Multiple-Choice Strategies for Success on the AP Literature Exam



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