More Art Contests


Last week I mentioned a national art contest for youth hosted by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. This week I bring you three more contests, this time a little closer to home.

Sled Island is an “annual independent multi-venue music and arts festival” held right here in Calgary, and we here at YAA are big fans. Not only do they put on a great show each year, but they work year-round to be involved in the community, and they love to support awesome youth. Each year Sled Island hosts a “Create-a-Poster” contest for high school students. It works like this: You make a poster with information about the festival on it. You print copies of the poster. You put them up around the city. You take a picture of your poster hanging up. You submit it. This way, there’s loads of free publicity for both you and your work, and the festival. Ten finalists win a pass to the festival, and a wristband for the Young Buds Stage. The contest is open until the 15th of June, and you can find out more important details in the Facebook release.

But if you want to perform at Sled Island rather than advertise for it, then the search for the “best teenage rock band in Southern Alberta” might be for you. The Homestretch on CBC Radio One is asking young bands to simply create a profile on CBC Radio 3, submit a photo and an original song, and then e-mail them. The winning band will get a pretty sweet prize package, including the opportunity to perform live on CBC Radio One and at Sled Island. There are only 12 submissions so far, but the deadline is fast approaching, so check out the rules and get your submissions in before May 14th.

The last contest deadline is also coming up quickly. Radio station X92.9 is looking for an awesome album cover for the Xposure 2010 CD, and needs submissions in by May 21st. The winning designer gets $2500, which they suggest you might want to use to pay for school. Check out the rules and details on their blog.

Good luck!