Take on the world with high school Model United Nations


Last weekend, I had the power to keep NATO troops in Libya until the economic and political state of the country stabilize…

At least under the jurisdiction of high school Model United Nations.

As the delegate from Brazil in the Security Council, it was my role to participate in actions to maintain international security along with the other 14 countries in the Council. At Model UN, high school students get to discuss global issues that are equally discusses in the real UN and all of its subcommittees such as General Assembly, Human Rights Council and European Union among others. Topics such as nuclear proliferation and water and food crises are common ones just as they are in the real world. Not only are the crises real and relevant, so are the countries that delegates assume. Without a doubt there are conflicts and disagreements between nations. This just adds to the fun of debating your position.

Many school have a Model United Nations club so it’s easy to join in on all of the action. In my opinion, this club is one for passionate students who care about the world that they live in and brainstorming solutions to the issues around them. As preparation for our generation to take on the world and its issues in due time, Model UN is the place to be.


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