Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


Please read my previous blog entry here (review of Catching Fire, part 2 of the series) before your read this.

Well… Katniss survives again, but at a great cost. Peeta is captured, district 12 is incinerated, and thousands are left dead. Also, a full fledged rebellion is unfolding and Katniss finds herself trapped in the very centre of it.

In Mockingjay, Katniss begins to realize that she is the centre piece of a greater plan. She realizes her importance in the revolution and must decide whether or not she should be a pawn for the rebels.

But as the plot unfolds we are given another question: are the rebels better than the current dictators of the capitol? Is President Coin a better leader than President Snow? We watch both sides commit atrocities and see innocent lives ended in a full out war between the capitol and the rebels.

Bottom Line – Suzanne Collins really did her research on the revolutions that have occurred throughout history, the readers are presented with the violence and horror of a revolution and given the question “are the rebels better than the governing power?” Suzanne also did a good job of capturing the emotional aspect of war. Despite that, I do have a complaint; maybe this is because I’ve watched a lot of war films and documentaries, but I feel as though the militaristic strategy and combat in this book is not quite realistic enough. Oh… and one more complaint, I realize that a lot of people die in wars and I realize that some major characters must die to in order for the readers to see an underlying message. That being said, the death of some characters defeats the purpose of an entire series. That being said, this book is still just as well written as the previous two, I just happen to be quite picky. I give it a 4.5/5

Ah, the Hunger Games trilogy, so beautifully written, I really loved reading this series. But one event, just one event also makes me want to hate it. That being said, I will probably read it again, and it’s still better than any other trilogy I’ve read, so I guess it’s still my favorite trilogy (by far).