With Valentine’s Day just past, there are probably a lot of couples around you. And they sometimes invite you to be the “third wheel” on a date. If you do the following 5 things, you can avoid being awkward or bored.

- Walk ahead of the couple.
Most of the time, you’ll end up behind the couple. This is a big no-no. Behind them, you can hear their intimate conversations oozing with love. You’ll also witness the PDA (Public Display of Affection), making everyone feel awkward. To avoid all this, walk ahead of the couple, but interact with them from time to time.
- Sit in the passenger seat.
If you can drive, offer to drive your couple friends. If not, sit in the passenger seat with the driver. This is similar to the case of walking. In the back alone, you’ll be watching the couple in their own little world. By sitting in the front alone, you’re giving your friends privacy while avoiding being awkward.
- Pay for the meal.
Surprise your friends by paying the bill before they get to it. Couples are always fighting over who’s going to pay. To avoid that and to keep your friends happy, you can spare some extra dollars for them.
- Engage in conversation with the couple.
If you sit there doing nothing, it’s going to be more awkward. Converse with the couple. They’ll appreciate that you participate and have fun with them more than wanting to get privacy. They did invite you, after all.
- Just don’t third wheel.
Honestly, having a third wheel is just awkward. Just don’t go if they invite you to a date.