Miao Miao


Miao Miao has to be one of the best movies ever.  Directed by CHENG Hsiao-Tse, the film is about a girl who falls in love with a CD store owner, who is grieving after the death of his boyfriend, and the lead singer of his band. Ai, Miao Miao’s friend, helps her ask the CD store owner out, but Ai soon realizes that she has feelings for Miao Miao as well.

Miao Miao is the first film that CHENG Hsiao-Tse has directed.

It has great music, and a good plot.


The movie is in Japanese, but it has subtitles in English. 

Its a great movie and I think everyone should see it.


  1. I wasn't able to see Miao Miao at the fest, but I happened across it on YouTube. It was a really cute story – loooved it =D

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