Merry Swiftmas!


Yup, I’m back with another blurb about Taylor Swift… 😀

But first off, she turned 20 yesterday (December 13th).  Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope you have a great 20th!

Next… a new song!  But this one doesn’t involve her singing.  Instead, Evan Taubenfeld has quite an original song about her:

Merry Swiftmas (Even Though I Celebrate Chanukah).

[youtube EGM6Xtx02M4]

It’s cute, it’s original, it’s catchy.  What’s not to like?  His voice is really nice too.  I think my favourite line is “Kanye will watch his mouth next time“.  This totally brought a smile to my face when I heard it.  Taylor even twittered about it this past week!

So anyways, I hope you enjoy it. Just in time for the holiday season too. Cheers!


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