The merits of cheesy teenage romance novels


Girls, we’ve all been there: browsing shelves of books on the library, and coming to a stop before the horribly clique and facepalm-worthy section of teenage romance novels. For girls with no taste for feminity or “girliness,” like yours truly, such a genre should not be allowed to exist. This is immature, but all I can say is, “EEEWW… GROOOOSS. TOO MUCH MUSH. EUGH.” What use does around a hundred pages of predictable plot, whiny or too perfect characters, and the most awkward situations have, other than ticking one off and wasting valuable time? And boys, I believe, wouldn’t be caught dead reading these. Or at least shouldn’t be.

Eww...glitter and lovey-dovey fluff makes me vomit! Give me Stephen King any day!

However, I’ve learned that I’ve underestimated those literary insults. In fact, some are quite good, other than the fact that you can guess what’s going to happen 30 pages in. But hey, there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s hard to come up with creative love stories, especially when stepping out of the orthodox line will result in some mutated disaster.  I imagine that although a chicken falling in love with its own grain is creative, it wouldn’t sell well…

Cute, but NO.

Moving on, teenage romance novels are like chick flicks. They serve as mindless distractions, and easy ways to release those spontaneous bursts of girliness kept inside. Yes, even boys can have spontaneous bursts of girliness. Isn’t it just great when your favourite fake characters end up together, just as it should be? Isn’t it so exciting when they share that epic first kiss? Gag if you will, but everyone has their strange, crazy moments. Even guys shouldn’t be afraid to release their inner girl. And even though the guys are always handsome, angsty, and actually extremely nice beneath their jerk-face masks, and the girls are always cute, ditzy, and somehow can make their crush love them instantly without reason… everyone should read a teenage romance novel. Everyone. You’ll have great fun mocking stupid characters anyways! 😉

Ah Twilight... A more serious(ly deranged) example of a teenage romance novel.