The Best Memes of 2017


A lot of things happened in 2017, but one one of the constants of the year were the undeniably hilarious memes.

Some may have found the memes downright confusing, but for some, these memes were the only thing that kept them going this year.

Well, this is inevitably going to be a long post, so sit back, relax, and enjoy.


1. Salt Bae

Salt bae is the nickname given to a Turkish chef who went viral after a video was posted of him flamboyantly sprinkling salt on a slab of meat.

2. Cash Me Outside

“Cash me outside, how bow dah?” or, in English: “Catch me outside, how about that?”. This simply iconic phrase was said by 13 year old Danielle Bregoli on the Dr. Phil Show, after she got tired of the audience continously laughing at her. The phrase basically means to “catch her outside” for a fight.

3. Michelle Obama at Trump’s Inauguration

This refers to the series of pictures taken of Michelle Obama at President Trump’s inauguration, where she receives a box from Melania Trump and clearly does not know what to do with it.

Slow motion- even better.

What a queen. Michelle, if you’re reading this: just like you and that box, we also have no idea what to do with the fact that out of all people, Donald Trump is the American president.


1. Roll Safe

Roll Safe is the reaction picture of the man tapping his head that went viral this year- I know you know what I’m talking about.

This then escalated into hilarious variations.

2. What in Tarnation?

This became a meme after the online community began to poke fun at the common Southern American saying.

3. Drew Scanlon

This meme is actually known as the “blinking white guy” meme, which the Twitter community made popular by using it as a reaction GIF. It’s honestly my reaction to everything.


1. Meryl Streep Yelling

I love this meme, mainly because I love Meryl Streep.

2. Student Athletes

This is a dialogue meme that mocked stereotypical student athletes on social media who constantly talk about their “grind”, their dreams, and how they never stop working.

Quick vocabulary session.

Grind:When an individual pushes his/herself to attain a goal. (Urban Dictionary)


1. The Expanding Brain

This was one of the most ironic and longest memes to stay around this year. The meme is basically a series of images which compare tasks to brain size, but actually imply the opposite (the task with the largest expanded brain is actually something very foolish).

As with all memes, this one also came with its own variations. Here’s one directed towards dogs.


1. Fidget Spinners

We all know what fidget spinners are. You know, the toy designed to keep kids from fidgeting. Quite self explanatory. But after the craze took over the world, literally, the meme did too.

2. Mocking Spongebob

We’ve all done it or heard it before. Where we’re in an argument, and we don’t have anything to say back, so we just mock whatever the other person just said in a weird voice. This meme is basically the visual embodiment of that.


1. Boneless Pizza

Boneless pizza is the somewhat confusing, what even meme of this year. It went viral after someone videotaped themselves prank calling a pizza place and accidentally asking for “boneless pizza”.


2. The Floor Is Lava

This meme is basically mocking the childhood game most of us have played, where we pretend the floor is lava.

This meme also had variations, in which people said “the floor is ____” with a picture of a jumping man, basically saying they’re avoiding it.


1. Hotdog Man

Over the summer, Snapchat released a new filter in which you could flip your camera away from your face and position a dancing hotdog-man on your screen, making it look like you’re taking a video of it. This in turn became a meme.

2. 3017

This meme originated on Twitter, where people would showcase others solving issues in weird and often irrational ways, captioning it based off of the original- “Y’all living in 2017, but this guy already in 3017.”


1. Trump and the Solar Eclipse

When the solar eclipse happened this year, the one thing we were all strongly advised to do was to never look at the eclipse directly unless using a pair of eclipse glasses, and even then, you shouldn’t look at it for prolonged amounts of time.

Obviously, Trump did the exact opposite. Memes followed.


1. Distracted Boyfriend

This stock photo of a disloyal guy looking at another woman while with his girlfriend went viral because of the thousands (literally thousands of hilarious and relatable variations).


1. Monkey Haircut

This meme is literally what it sounds like- a monkey getting a haircut. I for one, found it hilarious for some reason.

But then, people realized this picture can be photoshopped into any situation, so they took advantage of that.


1. Big Shaq, “Mans Not Hot”

This infamous song became popular after a verse of the song, called “The ting goes” verse went viral on Twitter. In that verse, Big Shaq makes odd gun noises with his mouth.

Then, people began putting it over footage, like this person, who put it over Big Ben’s final chimes.

And that’s all, folks! Now, let’s get to hoping 2018 brings us memes as funny and absurd as the ones of this year.


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