YouTuber of YYC: Gerald Hopkins


So over spring break, fellow blogger Tasha Hou and I decided to take a look at some YouTube channels. During our search we stumbled upon a channel that we think needs to step up it’s game – Gerald Hopkins.

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On a series that Tasha and Iwill be doing, we will be judging YouTube videos based on video quality, content, and editing skills. Now, upon reviewing Gerald Hopkin’s YouTube Channel, we decided to review one of his earliest videos called “How to Not Be a Total and Complete Loser”. So when you first watch the video, the editing seems to be okay. The audio and text are alright, and suddenly there’s two of Gerald Hopkins! Great editing skills! And then you get to the video. First of all the video quality seems too unappealing. If we had a nickel for every pixel in the video, we’d have a nickel.

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We now move our focus to the the advice he gives. On a serious note, when we pressed the play button on the video, we first of all expected some sort of advice that would transform my life or better yet, make me a better person. Now, don’t get us wrong his video editing skills are phenomenal and we love the fact that he spends a lot of time on his videos, but there are some things that are better kept unsaid. One of the pieces of advice he gives out to his YouTube audience is the fact that what is on the outside reflects what is on the inside and on this note we agree, but if that means changing their personality or who they are on the inside, then we would totally debunk his advice.

After the title screen, we see this picture of Gerald Hopkins looking like a nerd. This is a very bad example of a stereotype that rots today’s society. Because of people like Gerald Hopkins who publicly projects opinions and prejudices about a certain group of people, the world believes it is okay to bully and generalize people due to the way they look, speak, and act. In addition, his voice throughout the whole video was a bit monotone. As a YouTube viewer, you’d expect the voice of the person you’re watching to be mind-blowing or at least exciting in order to carry you, the viewer, along.


According to Gerald Hopkins, apparently if you are hot, no one will criticize you, or call you ugly. If you are “ugly”, then people will call you ugly. There are always people in the world who won’t think you are attractive, and therefore will think you are ugly to them. So if you get hate once, according to Gerald Hopkins you should give up on life and change yourself or you will never be accepted by society.

For more of his videos check out his channel here. Gerald Hopkins is a rising YouTube star and we decided to give him some constructive criticism in order for him to step up his game, so show your support.