Meet the most politically aware 12-year-old in the world


I am here today to show off one of the most youngest, politically-aware, individuals that I have ever seen.

Apparently finding out his information about politics from everyday forms of media such as TV, newspapers, and internet, this boy can express a great understanding of his own countries laws, and most importantly, can use his brain to actually think about them. Using his thoughts presented in this video, this 12 year old boy can clearly express the faults, and situation of his own country, that some real-life politicians can’t even do.

Makes you think of how most people in the west use their media, when the majority of us just take something like the internet for granted, and use it mostly as a form of entertainment. Ironically so, when media was originally used to be a convenient form of communication, to get people more educated about their world, and their local communities. This boy can really show, how simply reading media, and thinking about them, can form anybody into an intelligent, politically aware individual.

This is somewhat why I like blogging, where different people, with different perspectives, can present information and opinions about the world, then incidentally that information ends up to a boy in Egypt, that expresses his intelligent opinion about his country’s society to the world back.

I never knew I would say this, but I’m proud of you internet!