Meet Sarah!


The Mayor’s Youth Council with Sarah! (She is in the middle of the photograph.) 

A few months ago, the Mayor’s Youth Council of Calgary, along with Mayor Nenshi, had the amazing opportunity of meeting a young girl with big dreams. Sarah applied to be on the Mayor’s Council, but age restrictions kept her from being selected. Nonetheless, she is an extremely charismatic and intelligent young citizen, not to mention adorable. Astounded by the wisdom she brought, Sarah was asked to speak about her three things.

Sarah’s 3 Things:

  1. A local youth group run by youth that helps out at local retirement homes.
  2. A run by youth tutoring service where children excelling in certain subjects (Example: Math, Reading, etc.) help students struggling in those subjects at the local library.
  3. A youth (and adult) talking session for anyone, but encouraging those who don’t know English to meet to speak English.

She elaborated upon each of these ideas and outlined the fact that they would each be implementable in an easy and affordable way. Sarah let the council know that these ideas would cause positive change in the community and allow everyone to work together, no matter what their background.

Not only were members of the Mayor’s Youth Council amazed, Mayor Nenshi himself was beaming at the sight of such a caring young citizen. Sarah was able to present these initiatives to the mayor himself and he granted her wishes by providing for many opportunities for her to execute these ideas.

Feeling inspired? Write your own essay and let the mayor know why YOU should be taking charge of the city for a day. Your voice will be heard and your ideas will be put to work. Visit for more information.