Meet Kimberlee Becking, Unexpected Philosopher


Indeed the unexpected philosopher, this down to earth and modest individual houses an old and compassionate soul,  rivaling to that of a Jewish rabbi or Buddhist monk. This tech-savvy youth also has an interesting and philosophical take on life, so read on to find out more about this Pearson graduate, Kimberlee Becking, and her inspirational opinions and advice on self discovery, life and success.

YAA: Please provide a quote; inspirational, happy, doesn’t matter.

Kim: Wer nicht hören will, muß fühlen- Which basically translates to ‘Those who won’t listen must feel.’

YAA: Give an adjective that describes you, followed by a characteristic that describes you.

Kim: Unexpected Philosopher

YAA: Describe your involvement in the community and Pearson.

Kim: I am currently most involved in, mainly the Anime, Manga and the Gaming, Cosplay and the flourishing and fantastic art website, Devainart, community.

YAA: Name any notable achievements or awards you have earned.

Kim: I can’t name any material achievements, as I do not believe they define who I truly am, but its making it this far through life with all the awesome friends I’ve gained, and to be blessed with their smiles and support that they have given me.

YAA:  Describe why you believe you are successful.

Kim: The mere thought that I made it this far and am alive today to meet all the wonderful people that have become connected to me.

YAA:  Describe what inspires you to live your lifestyle and why. How did it get this far?

Kim: It’s how I view the world. Your own opinion of yourself and how you look at life is really the resume to your life. Just being able to see others smile or know that they can turn to me with a kept secret with trust really has kept me going till now.

YAA: Share a favourite memory that was at Pearson.

Kim: My most inspiring moments came from my social 30-1 class and teacher. How he has shared history and events to the class really caught my interest to keep digging within the subject and vast areas of history itself.

YAA: Describe some of your hobbies or what you like to do in your spare time.

Kim: I really enjoy photo shoots, photography, amv’s, and many other aspects branching from it.  I also play both flute and bass, tennis, and I’m very widely versed in all genres videos games.

YAA: Provide some advice about life in general, high school or about discovery of one’s self.

Kim: You can’t start something without that first step. You never know what form that step may take but when you take it will open endless roads on your journey. Look to expect the unexpected; life is unexpected you never know what is next but that’s the beauty of it. Take a risk at something since after all life is made from your choices the worst you can do is nothing.

YAA: What is it that you love about life and why?

Kim: I’m able to live my own life in my way. Life is too short to think about every detail, if you do you’ll never see the bright side to the dark.

YAA: Describe your personality.

Kim: It’s that of a person who is shy, but if you take the chance to look at me again you’ll see I can be rather outgoing and alive. First impressions are something but you can’t judge a person by looks alone.

YAA: What or who is it that motivates you, and why? How did it get you this far?

Kim: There are several people that I can credit to this. Each have motivated me, the real me, in ways I didn’t think would. For the people close to me, they know exactly what to tell me, whether I want to hear it or not, as it’s the truth, and I’d have it no other way.

YAA: Do you believe you are a good role model for other youth? If so, why, and do you believe you affect others in a positive way?

Kim: I believe I am, for the fact that I can relate and listen to other quite well.

YAA: If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?

Kim: I would like to see an improvement on all forms of discrimination. In my life I know many who are unfairly judged by the norms society places on us.

YAA: If you could relive any part of your life, or a moment, what would it have been and why?

Kim: My childhood. I have lost touch with my child side and how my life was back then; you can look at photos but still have no memory come to you, so id at least like to see how random I was back then.

YAA: What do you hope to gain through your pursuing your passions?

Kim: I want to live my life to its fullest so going after something or someone you love to me is one way to really be alive. Since you gain more then you can lose so even if today was your last day you know you’ll die doing something you love.

YAA: Why do you choose to be who you are?

Kim: I choose to be me because if I was someone else I’m no longer me.  I’m loving my life because it’s mine and it’s different from someone else.

YAA: If there are any questions that I have not asked, but you would like to answer, feel free to! And any last words?

Kim: Always keep looking on the bright side. You may think you have it bad, but everyone has a story. So even when you hit rock bottom, you’ll always rise back up, with the support form the people you had some connection to in life. If you’re ever interested in the anime community of Calgary, drop me a line, and in the great words and song by Journey: Don’t Stop Believin’~