Meet Erica Ho, Unstoppable Believer- Part 2


This is Part 2 of the Awesome Youth in Profile: Erica Ho, Unstoppable Believer. Part 1 can be read here.

YAA: Provide some advice, about life in general or about high school or about discovery of one’s self.

Erica: One of the most regretful experiences of my life so far was not doing something. So my advice is to always do. The more that gets done, the more that is learned. And speaking of learning, always keeps an open mind because that’s when everything once gloomy becomes beautiful. Oh, and never let anyone tell you to “chill out dude” because in the end, each second of hard or stressful work put in will lead to a reward unlike anything else!

I’ve had many self discoveries, but I think one that is the most significant is actually my self re-discovery. There were many moments in high school when I struggled with what I wanted to do after I graduated, but in the end I realized that the things we loved doing, and I mean like TRULY LOVED DOING, when we were small will stay with us forever. I re-discovered myself, and now, I know I won’t regret what I do in the future.

YAA: Describe what you are planning to pursue after high school.

Erica: Film studies. Unsure of what occupation, but if you love what you learn, there will always be something made for you.

YAA: What is it that you love about life and why.

Erica: Through all the pain, suffering, unfairness, blood and tears, life is beautiful. A beautiful disaster. The world isn’t perfect because it wasn’t meant to be. Everyone has a different way of seeing things and different ideas. This makes life difficult. The world however also gives happiness, joy and love. Now life is looked upon as dark chocolate. Bittersweet. I love that life holds so many surprises and when you pay attention you realize that everything and everyone is actually connected. It’s empowering when sharing or hearing stories from each other, and it’s magical when delicate beings like butterflies land right on your fingertips. To me, life starts when you’re born and the first thing you see, hear and feel is already a million reasons to be satisfied with life.

YAA: Describe your personality.

Erica: Not naturally good at anything. Tries hard and never rejects. Artistic, emotional, sensitive, determined, brave, flexible, weird and simply complex. I have roles I like to play in life. I can be the helper, the friend, the inspirer, the superstar, (laughs) anything that fits with the moment and the person I’m with.

I also like to make things complicated for myself. I love multi-tasking and can’t stand slowness. Sometimes I can be really abstract, but most of the time I’m really realistic (I need to be if I want something impossible to happen!) I dream a lot, I let myself day dream throughout the day. I could never hurt anyone or anything. It’s easy for me to let things go, and I never really miss too many things. I laugh hideously and I love it. And I’m full of secrets that will never be told, because those secrets are what makes everyone unique.

YAA: Do you believe you are a good role model for other youths? If so, why, and do you believe you affect others in a positive way?

Erica: I think something I do for other youth, and for anyone really, is I listen. I listen and try my hardest to really hear what they mean to say. A lot of the time, action speaks more than words. A picture is worth a thousand words.

YAA: Why do you think I considered you to be an awesome youth?

Erica: I put myself out there and am not afraid to be destroyed. I enhance my flaws and try my best to inspire others to shine.

YAA: If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?

Erica: The world’s obsession over money.

YAA: If you could relive any part of your life, or a moment, what would it have been and why?

Erica: The moments of make belief as a child. I still do it now but those character’s my childhood friends and I became, and those stories we made together were more than phenomenal. Things I wish I wrote as a child and kept until now.

YAA: What do you hope to gain through your pursuing your passions?

Erica: More perspectives than I have already.

YAA: Why do you choose to be who you are?

Erica: Because I can laugh at myself, cry with myself, dream of amazing things, and because I can.

YAA: If there are any questions that I have not asked, but you would like to answer, feel free to! And any last words?

Erica: Screwing up is a part of experimenting. Experimenting is a part of making something come true.
Having flaws is a way of connecting.
Lisachino is my favorite part of the day (=

YAA: This strong willed youth and independent over achiever, lives life to the fullest by realizing with unprecedented maturity that hard work to achieve new perspectives, is not only necessary, but is the path to experiencing happiness, joy and love. Her zest for knowledge, voluntarily attending IB theory of knowledge (TOK) classes, empowers her sensitive and complex perspectives on life. Having just completed a multitude of classes in the fine arts program at Lester B Pearson High School, this future student in film studies, is an inspiration to people across the globe, emplifying amazing self discipline and faith pursuing her passions and dreams, as Erica calls for other youths to use your hearts and not your heads.