Meet Erica Ho, Unstoppable Believer- Part 1


This incredible triple threat performer allows the creative genius of art, music and life to influence and guide her wholehearted passions for the fine arts to incredible heights. However, this doesn’t prevent this realistic dreamer from compulsively volunteering her time to many things, be it animals, people (young and old) or the environment.

I’m extremely proud and privileged to introduce my philosophical mentor and this Pearson graduate, Erica Ho, and her inspirational views and advice on self discovery, life and success.

Erica Ho

YAA: Give a couple adjectives that describe you.

Erica: “Love at first sight” or “unstoppable believer.”

YAA: Describe your involvement at Pearson.

Erica: Oh boy. For three years, I’ve been an active member of the Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz, Women’s Choir and Choral class at Pearson. I’m also a writer for the school newspaper (often writing about upcoming events and performances in the fine arts department), Speech Club competitor and REGIONAL CHAMPION WINNER (for solo acting), and was Leadership Co- Chair (which I was involved in pretty much organizing and carried all of the school’s events: Terry Fox Run, Spirit Week, Breakfast of Champions, etc.).

Also having been Parent Council meeting representative, drama kid, musical theatre performer, dance performer, choral performer, and unless I’ve forgotten something, I think that’s most of my involvement at Pearson.

YAA: Describe your involvement in your community.

Erica: I was a member of Youth Training and Action (YTA) through the Red Cross, in partnership with All Nations Theater, a program that promotes youth to share, expand and act upon actions and ideas to deal with local and global humanitarian issues. I’m also an active volunteer with CCCSA (with various types of task such as helping, performing, and visiting seniors, city clean ups, etc.) and mentored children through the Calgary Public Library. I love caring for cats, bunnies, and hopefully dogs one day at the Calgary Humane Society. I also answer the teen line at the Distress Centre for those in need of support and advice.

YAA: Name any notable achievements or awards you have earned.

Erica: Appreciation and helping others are my real achievements. The only awards I’ve ever earned proudly were those related to music: Vocal Jazz 15 award, Concert Choir 35 award and Choral 20 awards.

YAA: Describe why you believe you are successful.

Erica: I never stop moving, growing and learning. I’ve felt that I’ve touched the hearts of many as they have for mine, and I never stop believing in the possibilities of the impossible.

YAA: Describe what inspires you to live your lifestyle, and why. How did it get this far?

Erica: People inspire me. The artistic, creative, and just pure genius and wonderful things that people do. Whether it be picking up garbage off the ground, or holding the door for someone, or finding a cure for a disease – in the end the world is connected. I truly believe that no matter how bad somebody is being looked at, or how many sins someone has committed, in the end, everyone is beautiful, emotional and pure.

YAA: Share a favourite memory that was at Pearson, a moment that had inspired you or a moment when you experienced success.

Erica: Musical Theater. Performing and being able to have the chance to become a different character and really move the audience is a memory and a gift.

YAA: Describe some of your hobbies or what you like to do in your spare time.

Erica: I love exploring music. I love feeling the intensity each artist provides through their amazing music. Video gaming is also huge part of my life, and has been since I was a young girl. Anything from first person shooting games to adventure to strategy games. I also love films. I like reading on film theory and visioning different scenes out of random. Hopefully I will come out with a short film, and many more mini projects as well! I really love learning about nature. Be it animals of the ocean, astronomy or even bugs. I just love learning about the natural things that happen all around us! And I could go on forever about the endless projects I dive into such as scrapbooking, photography and singing. In the future I plan to make sky diving, paragliding and many other similar sports a regular hobby.

Watch for Part 2 of my interview with Erica tomorrow!