Meet Carmen Khuu, Philosophical Spectator


Philosophical observer, but by no means passive, an incredible artist that magically paints and draws the world to her own accord, and a fantastic soprano, sharing her talent by lending her voice to Vocal Jazz and Concert choir, Carmen Khuu’s passionate interests in the Fine Arts could be seen as anything but narrow.

Read on to find out more about this Pearson graduate, Carmen Khuu’s, and her inspirational opinions and advice on self discovery, life, and success.

Lisa:  Please provide a quote, inspirational, happy, doesn’t matter.

Carmen: “The most wasted days is that on which one has not laughed.” – Nicholas Chamfort,
“True masters are those who have chosen to make a life rather than making a living.”– Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God)

Lisa:  Give an adjective that describes you, followed by a characteristic that describes you.

Carmen: Philosophical Spectator

Lisa: Describe your involvement at Pearson.

Carmen: For the past three years, I have been involved in extra-curricular activities such as Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz.

Lisa: Describe your involvement in your community.

Carmen: I am part of a Red Cross program called Youth Training and Action, which is open to all youth to share and expand their ideas concerning both the local and global community. Through YTA, I have conveyed my opinions and concerns to the community by being involved with artistic projects such as photography, performing in various drama skits and creating visual art. I have also worked with All Nations theatre to create a skit that was performed in the annual Global Fest 2009. Also, as of recent, I have volunteered to create a mural for the Village Square Leisure Centre.

Lisa:  Name any notable achievements or awards you have earned.

Carmen: I completed IB Art, and have received a Certificate of Achievement from the Canadian Red Cross for my involvement with YTA.

Lisa: Describe why you believe you are successful.

Carmen: I believe that I have achieved success by being able to express my thoughts effectively through different types of media. Being able to tell stories and to open a window to a new perspective for other people feel very gratifying, especially if I know that I am able to change or alter a person’s life for the better, no matter of how little significance it makes.

Lisa: Describe what inspires you to live your lifestyle, and why. How did it get this far?

Carmen: Honestly, it started off as passive, nonchalant acts, because my initial thoughts were that it had no negative consequences for me. But what has caused me to go beyond the surface, and what has became a big inspiration for me are my friends; they were the ones who have inspired me to live the way I do, and, in my opinion, they give so much to the community and are such a positive influence in my life. The reason that I could get this far is because of the unconditional support and guidance of these close friends.

Lisa: Share a favourite memory that was at Pearson, a moment that had inspired you or a moment when you experienced success.

Carmen: The evening of our IB Art show has been, and will always be, a treasured memory of mine. I felt very successful knowing that my art was able to provoke thoughts and to stir up emotions from the viewers.

Lisa:  Describe some of you hobbies or what you like to do in your spare time.

Carmen: My spare time is wasted on the usual teen-y stuff. Whenever I don’t feel like exerting much brain-power or energy, (which is the majority of the time,) I am usually watching TV or on the computer (After all these years, I still love Spongebob!)

On some occasions, I enjoy reading – lately, I have been into reading non-fictional books concerning psychology. As for hobbies, I love the arts and literature, and whenever I am hit with a bolt of creativity, I will either sketch or write in order to let it out (most of my art and writing are half-processed thoughts because I usually get side-tracked…) Also, I have been trying to carry around my digital camera so that I can capture shots of anything that tickles my interest when I’m out of the house (I’m aiming for the professional, better-than-real-life cameras one day!) Ever since I’ve joined Concert Choir, I have been gutsy enough to belt out songs in the heat of the moment (not sure if you consider that a hobby…), and I have also been trying to learn to play the piano. A strange hobby that I have is to collect things – I’m such a pack rat, but I love to collect sheet music and (MP3) music. I also search for quotes and keep them in my ‘database’, and I love collecting cosmetics, even though I barely use them (so… much… colours!) …I don’t think you really needed to know of the latter of the “hobbies”… sorry for getting carried away! (Haha!)

Lisa: Describe what you are passionate about.

Carmen: If you haven’t realized from previous answers, I love the fine arts! Ever since I was a child, I loved to draw and colour, and on several occasions, I have wanted to become an artist. My fondness of the arts grew as I mature, and I developed a love for English literature, music (including, yes, classical music!) and photography. I find it ironic and somewhat funny that everything I found “boring” as a child has become the things that now gives meaning to my life!

Lisa: Provide some advice, about life in general or about high school or about discovery of one’s self.

Carmen: (Any advice given is advice that I would give myself if I had the chance to!)
Advice about life: Don’t think that life will just all of a sudden become “steady”, because it never does; it’s like being in the middle of an ocean, it’s calm one moment and the next thing you know, you are in the midst of a storm, heading towards an iceberg. However, like being in the middle of an ocean, you don’t know where you’re headed, and there can be so many amazing, unexpected things along the way. (As long as you don’t push it!) (Here comes the cliche, but oh-so-true facts:) You’re always going to fall, so don’t be afraid to get up and climb: take a few risks every now and then, because some opportunities only come once. And remember: expect the worse and hope for the best: whether you view the glass as half empty or full, just be thankful, ’cause heck, at least there’s water in the glass!
Advice about high school: My biggest advice is to go ahead and try out different things! I never knew that I could go beyond two octaves above middle C until I joined Choir. Being in high school offers so many things that you would have otherwise not have the opportunity of join. Whether it is something that interest you, or something that you are unsure about, join it! You never know whether or not you may develop a passion for something new – who knows, you might even already be good at it! It’s a great opportunity to go out of your comfort zone and to meet new people. You may even be able to get extra credits or marks for it, and if you hate it, then drop it – it’s not the end of the world. Three important advice I learned from high school is from being in choir: 1. “Be a dead hero, not a live coward.”, 2. You’re here ’cause you love it. and 3. “MORE AIR!” (Well, #3 is… an inside joke.)
Advice about discovery of one’s self: In my opinion, we never stop discovering our identity and who we are – I think there are plenty of adults out there who don’t know who they are. I’d say don’t rush it; just take it slow and be open to new things along the way, you’re bound to learn more about yourself if you open up to things. Be who you’re comfortable being, no one wants to hate being in their own shoes!

Lisa: Describe what you are planning to pursue after high school.

Carmen: My plan is to attend the University of Calgary and enroll in the Communications & Cultures faculty. I don’t exactly have a finalized decision or plan, but one thing’s for sure – I want to travel!

Lisa: What is it that you love about life and why.

Carmen: So many things! Usually, it is the little things – you never really notice how much the little things impact your life until it’s missing! Also, the people that I am close with, which includes my friends and my family. They inspire me to appreciate and love life and are always there to cheer me up when I don’t! Have I mentioned the fine arts? Yeah, let’s not go there (again).

Lisa: Describe your personality.

Carmen: I am usually calm and quiet. That doesn’t mean that I’m shy; I just don’t have a lot to say unless I know someone well. I love to just watch and observe the people and surroundings around me, and I am inclined to think before I speak or act, because almost instinctively, I create various scenarios and possibilities in my head before I let something happen. I am quite independent and prefer being by myself over being in a big group, but I have became a bit more outgoing and am quite laid back (as of late, perhaps too laid back…) I’m a very patient person, and it takes quite a bit to get me worked up or irritated. Usually, before I have the chance to become angry, the problem is probably fixed by someone a bit more temperamental.

Lisa: What or who is it that motivates you, and why. How did it get you this far?

Carmen:Like I’ve said before, my friends motivates me – they are always trying to do things for better causes, and are extremely selfless. I believe that they do philanthropic acts not just to benefit themselves, but to benefit others, and that’s what I believe in when it comes to acting as a role in the community. Being around such amazing people inspires me to act for the better, and not to mention, they lift my spirits up when I’m down!

Lisa: Do you believe you are a good role model for other youths? If so, why, and do you believe you affect others in a positive way?

Carmen: I do not like to view myself as being a role model, because of the automatic pressure and stress that it ensues. I am not perfect in any way, nor to I try to be. If I do something for a cause, it is for a cause that I personally believe in, which may not be the same for everyone. I do not think that I fit my position as a role model, but to lessen the complications of this answer, I believe that yes, I do affect others in a positive way, because I believe that my acts are, ultimately, to create a positive impact for others.

Lisa: If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?

Carmen: I think I would like it if people start to care about the environment and lessen the negative environmental impacts that we create. Better yet, it would be my ideal for people to care about the environment and work together to establish better means of usage and disposal of resources.
Lisa:  If you could relive any part of your life, or a moment, what would it have been and why?

Carmen: It would be being on a plane all by myself! It was amazing, because I was able to see the world from a bird’s eye view and be right beside the clouds and sky. It was exhilarating, and flying independently heightened that feeling of liberation!

Lisa:  What do you hope to gain through your pursuing your passions?

Carmen: One thing’s for sure: I want to gain a higher level of education and knowledge. I also love to learn about the causes of things, so being an art student, I take joy in dissecting the contexts of issues. In my opinion, that way I can learn about what makes something the way they are. Also, it may seem quite irrelevant, but I want to learn more about the human condition; our emotions, our passions, our definition of happiness, love, etc; what it is that makes us so different from everything else that has roamed the planet.

Lisa: Why do you choose to be who you are?

Carmen: Because choosing to be someone else didn’t work! I am who I am because of what I have been through. My experiences and those who surround me influence me to be who I am, and although they may not all be positive, it still contributes to the mold of me. Also, I am who I am because it makes me happy, and comfortable to be myself. I still have my insecurities and flaws, but for now, this is what makes me me. It’s just one of those things that you grow into.

Lisa: Why do you think I considered you to be an awesome youth?

Carmen: Because you’re awesome! Haha, just kidding. I think it’s because of my involvement with the arts program at school and my involvements in the community, and because I have a positive perspective on community.

Lisa:  If there are any questions that I have not asked, but you would like to answer, feel free to! And any last words?

Carmen: Um… not really! Thanks for doing this, Lisa – you’re really awesome, and I mean it! I appreciate your thoughtfulness, and good luck with the rest of your articles!

Lisa: This modest, but active global citizen, is an extraordinary youth that chooses to colour her world a little greener, participate in artistic projects that raise the awareness on global humanitarian issues through the Red Cross, and having just completed the International Baccalaureate art program at Lester B Pearson high school, this future University of Calgary, Communication & Culture student, has not only an mature and down to earth perspective on life, but her passionate and positive involvement in carving her own lifestyle and bettering the community may call for others youth to perhaps take a page or two from Carmen’s book.


  1. Hahaha…you could say that. I love hearing other people’s opinons,and its great to hear other people’s perspectives on life =)

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