Why not me?; Recognition of Junior High students

14-year-old Advocacy Award finalist Connor Johnson and his family at the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards last year.

Junior high students usually assume all the “high schoolers” get the big awards. And sadly, sometimes that’s true.

But what students may not realize is that being older isn’t a large factor for most of these awards; hard work, leadership, and behavior is what most awards look for. Junior high students should stop cowering in the shadow of high school kids and start to give themselves some credit. Although not as many, junior highs have clubs too. These organizations could include Leadership, Debate, Chess or many others.

Lucky for you, there is something worth nominating for coming soon! The ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards, run by Youth Central, are now accepting nominations. The awards are non-academic and recognize youth ages 13-18 in nine categories. Do you know anyone that is a great contribution to your school? Passionate about volunteering, leadership, sports or the arts? Don’t hesitate to nominate anyone that you think is worth it- especially if they’re in junior high. Almost all applicants are from high school, and we’d like the change that!

If you’d like to learn more about the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards or nominate someone, visit http://youthcentral.com/yoda/.