In Youth Central‘s latest program, Youth Can Vote, youth across Calgary are encouraged to participate in and learn about the mayoral race. Mayoral and aldermanic forums serve as extensions to the existing Youth Can Vote project and are hosted by Youth Central and the Mayor’s Youth Council. All of the mayoral candidates are invited to participate in these forums and reach out to the young people in Calgary. During the forums, candidates are asked to explain their platforms and give a brief introduction. Following that, youths are given the opportunity to ask pertinent questions and listen actively for answers from each respective candidate. The forums present themselves as great chances for youths to take a stab at the democratic process by discussing and learning about significant issues.
So far, two forums have been held: one at the Cantos Music Foundation and one at the Calgary Science School. I attended the one at the Cantos Music Foundation. Despite regrettable absences of Barb Higgins and Ric McIver, the majority of the candidates attended. I met nine of the candidates in person and shook the hands of at least five. I spoke personally with Bob Hawkesworth about the airport tunnel and talked to Naheed Nenshi about his Better Ideas. Of course, the same opportunities were extended not only to me but to all of the numerous youths that participated. I submitted my questions to the forum and scrutinized the responses received. I analyzed the key issues and formed an opinion. In many ways, I took on the responsibility of being a citizen and joined the adult world of government.
The Mayor’s Youth Forum is truly a new and exemplary place to engage the youth in our democratic system. In today’s apathetic society, involving the youth at a young age is a great method of developing and growing responsible citizens for tomorrow. As an active participant in a recent forum, I can contend that the forums do just that. Don’t believe me? Be sure to attend a forum (maybe even one not hosted by Youth Central) and see for yourself!