Mayor’s Youth Council Art and Writing Contest


With the upcoming long weekend, Youth Central’s Mayor’s Youth Council has an exciting opportunity for youth artists and writers alike! This year, the Calgary’s MYC is organizing the first annual Youth Art and Writing Contest.

Why join? If you’re passionate about art/writing already, you can submit one of your previously created pieces or make a new piece for judging and a chance to showcase your work in Calgary’s City Hall! Award certificates will also be given to winning artists.

Calgary’s Beautiful City Hall, on a sunny, snowless day!

Rumor has it that Mayor Nenshi will even be present at the showcasing of the winner’s piece. Whether that is true or otherwise, why not give it a shot?

The only requirement is that your piece must fit on a flat, letter-sized sheet of paper (aka your regular sheet of printer paper). This means submissions from drawings and paintings, to photographs and poems are all fair game!

The theme for this year’s Art and Writing Contest is to create:

[an] original, and authentic representation of the youth experience in Calgary

This is open to all youth between the ages of 12 and 18 and the deadline is June 1st, 2018.

Interested? Head over to the official Facebook page to get more details on how to submit and receive notifications of any updates.

Calgary’s MYC has been working hard this year to get youth of all walks to get involved, so artists, writers, photographers, it’s your time to shine!

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Lucy Han
Hi there! I'm Lucy, a newbie blogger wanting to share my takes on everything from tech and business to life and entertainment with all of you out there. I'm a book nerd and music geek who loves coding. Baby animals, especially kittens, get me over excited and I wish to be able to have a bunch of kitties one day. Currently in Grade 11 at Sir Winston Churchill, I'm a strong believer in finding an answer to my place in this world. It's different for everyone and I hope and can inspire you guys to find your place. Stay motivated!!