Mayor’s Environment Expo 2013 – Recycling & Composting


MayorEnvironmentBanner2011Today I went to the Mayor’s Environment Expo, I learned a lot about how to be environment friendly and what we don’t usually know or talk about it. I would like to introduce you to some of the interesting facts and booth.

1. Did you know how long does different materials takes to decompost?

Tin Can- 200Years

Disposable Diapers – 450Years

Newspapers – 6 months

Apple core – 2 months

Milk Carton – 3 months

Plastic Bottle – 450 Years

Stytofoam Cup – 50 Years

6-Pack ring(The plastic that holds canned pop together) – 400 Years

Glass – Undetermined

Info from The Girl Guides of Canada booth

2. How to protect our endanger species? How are they affected – especially in AlbertaIMAG0576

If you are living in Alberta or Canada you might know Alberta are full of oil sand, but how do we reach it? By ripping and digging our earth. That causes pollution and taking up the animals habitat, making our animals getting endanger or threaten to be extinct.

Here are 2 interesting profile of threatened animal in alberta


This is Grizzly Bear’s Profile – Only 600 of them left (In Alberta), a health population needs a little more than 1500 of them 🙁


Woodland Caribou – Threatened because the massive loss of habitat.


3. Calgary Transit


I found one interesting fact about Calgary Transit system. Did you know Calgary’s Transit system is fully run by wind energy? They are 100% renewable!

To save the environment, take more transit and use less personal vehicle. Reduce your eco-footprint! How? Click HERE!

Thanks to all the organization that are in The Mayor’s Environmental Expo – you guys are awesome and I learned a lot!article-new_ehow_images_a01_vc_sd_reduce-ecofootprint-800x800