On February 14th 2018, The United States had their 18th school shooting this year in Parkland, Florida. Yet here we are, a little over a month later it seems like the government is considering everything but gun reform – from more security guards to barricading schools, and even looking at the possibility of not allowing backpacks anymore to improve safety. Since the Parkland shooting, where there were 17 fatalities, the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have banded together to seek out stricter gun laws.

This shooting got people talking. Debates over gun laws are all over the media as the activism from those students spark more and more awareness of the issue. On March 24, 2018, marches are happening all over North America. Here in Calgary, at 1PM that same day, we march in support of the students affected and who are vying for the change they deserve. Other Canadian cities paricipating can be found here , included are the times/dates and the location. For more information for the one in Calgary, click here.
These are students. Going to school shouldn’t be a life or death situation, these students are there to learn, to be with friends, not to be targeted by anybody with access to a gun. Sign up for the march – show your support for the survivors of every single school shooting, every teacher, every kid who goes to school in fear, every parent who’s lost their child to a shooting, and for everybody fighting for what’s right.