March is almost here!


I’m blogging once again about the cool holidays, but this time, for March – a month that isn’t just known for St. Patrick’s Day.  Interestingly, March is National Noodle, Nutrition, and Frozen Food Month.   Check out the dates in March below to see the cool holidays and events.

March 1st – National Pig Day, Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, Share a Smile Day
March 4th – National Poundcake Day
March 5th – Multiple Personalities Day
March 6th – Dentist Day
March 8th – Working Women’s Day
March 9th – No Smoking Day, Panic Day
March 12th – Girl Scout Day
March 14th – Pi Day, Potato Chip Day
March 16th – Everything You Do Is Right Day
March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day, Submarine Day
March 21st – Children’s Poetry Day, National Teenagers Day, Single Parents’ Day
March 22nd – National Goof-off Day, National Sing-Out Day
March 24th – Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
March 26th – Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
March 27th – National “Joe” Day
March 28th – Something on a Stick Day
March 30th – Doctor’s Day
March 31st – Tater Day

So, look forward to March and have fun with these interesting and crazy holidays!