Man’s Best Friends


Pets may not be with us everywhere we go, but they are an important of our lives.  Whether it is a cat, a dog, a lizard, or a fish, pets keep us company and give us a friend we can always count on to be there in our times of need.  Okay, maybe a fish can’t help you through times of trouble, but they still are special friends for us.

Ever notice that when you’re down, or need someone to talk to or just be around, your cat or dog always shows up and cuddles up to you or asks you to play?  They always listen to you, they never judge you, they never abandon you, and they are always loyal to you.  And what do they ask for in return?  Food, a home, and a little bit of love.

Pets provide us not only with a life-long friend, they also serve as important members of our community!  Dogs have been trained to help the blind and impaired, as sniffers for harmful substances, and as hospital visitors.  It is proven that no matter what illness, a visit from an animal  can be very therapeutic for hospital patients.  People have even had pets since the ancient Egyptian times.  The Egyptians must have been pretty smart, because already at their early stage in civilization, they were worshipping their cats as gods.

So, if you have a pet at home, do them a favour and give them an extra snuggle or scratch behind the ears when you get home today and thank them for being such a wonderful friend.