Male “Birth Control” is Becoming a Reality


German scientist Rebecca Weiss presents the future of contraceptives, in the form of a modern “testicle bath”. Odd opening isn’t it? However, it’s all true. “Coso” is a male contraceptive that is hormone free and reversible. The industrial design graduate made this device as a part of her master thesis. Furthermore, the device won top prize at Germany’s Dyson Award, a coveted design competition. Now, what is Coso?

How it works-

Weiss was inspired to create the COSO due to the lack of viable male contraceptives on the market.The contemporary “ball” bath works in 3 simple steps.

  1. Fill with water to the designated waterline. the waterline is set by a doctor in regards to testicle size.
  2.  Heat up the water to the required temperature.
  3. Lastly, dip male’s testicles into the device for recommended amount of time.

The device utilizes ultrasound deep heat to cause sperm mobility in the testicles to be modified and temporarily cease. Therefore, from these actions it should not be possible for egg fertilization during sexual intercourse. Coso must be used under doctors supervision for the first time, and it takes two weeks to take effect.

The “infertile” effects that the device gives can last for six months.

The future of contraceptives-

It’s painless, surgery free, temporary, and long term. What is there to not like? While there are millions of contraceptive methods for women, this creates options for men. While the primary form of birth control for women can cause irregularities in hormones, physical discomfort, and can contribute to cancers, this is a easy alternative. And in a feminist standpoint, shouldn’t the fertilizers be the preventers? Because of Coso, this can create responsibility for the male counterpart of a reproducing relationship.

For more information on the device, check out the Coso instagram.

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