Get rich fast – simple way to make gold!


You heard me right. Yes, there is NOW A WAY TO MAKE GOLD! If only alchemists were still around; they’d be DYING to know this one simple trick! It’s easy, it’s effective, and it’s guaranteed to make you rich in no time flat!

Here are the simple steps–>

1. Find a bunch of Delftia acidovorans bacteria*.

2. Get some seawater.

3. Combine seawater and Delftia acidovorans bacteria.

4. Profit.

*You can find Delftia acidovorans bacteria on eBay. Click here!

…Actually…it’s not so simple… Time for a bit of science!

Although gold in solution form is highly toxic, Delftia acidovorans have a special set of genes that allow them to secrete delftibactin. Delftibactin1 is a chemical that forces gold to precipitate (or become solid) out of a solution. By creating solid gold, and removing it from the system, D. acidovarans avert themselves from great peril.2 At the same time, they drastically add to our gold reserves. Win-win? I think yes.

Now, for the first time, this magical delftibactin chemical has been isolated. One day, if we manage to create enough of it…we can create tons and tons of gold!1

But…we’re not quite at that stage yet. Sorry to disappoint you folks! Keep dreaming!