Madagascar 3!


My friends and I were going to Chinook Centre. We, being fat, lazy, and drunk off summer, decided that we were going to watch a movie instead of actually exploring the rest of the mall. Since we’re all highly mature individuals, we chose to watch Madagascar 3. Like a boss.

I really loved it. Well, I had buttery popcorn, and I’m easily amused by 3D. What’s not to like? Also, all movies entertain me, no matter how bad they are.

But really, this was a cute movie. Children would love it. I’m pretty much a child myself, so I would know. It’s extremely colourful and fast-paced, almost with a degree of frantic craziness typical of a circus. However, it also slows down at some critical moments, and gives insights into friendship and trust. It has just enough insight for adults too, so it makes for a great family movie.

Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melvin, and the penguins are as funny and well developed as they were in the previous movies – and who could forget the monkeys?

One thing though: a child is stuck up an elephant’s rear end. The kids at the movie theatres laughed. I choked on my popcorn.

All in all, a really fun movie.

…I sat through 45 minutes of pure Nyan cat, nothing else. Ten minutes of Circus Afro has NOTHING on me.