Love according to the movies


What makes romance movies and love stories so popular? It’s the fact that people, especially women, want or expect the love in their lives to be found this way. The truth of the matter is that though these movies are sweet, romantic and the guy is always perfect, in real life, it just doesn’t happen that way.

Movies: For the most potent love you either have to be supernatural or you have to fall in love with someone supernatural.

Life: As far as we know the supernatural do not exist so we are going to have to be happy with loving a human or be greatly disappointed when no
matter how many vampire dating sites you’ve signed up for, all of people you’ve come across are hopelessly human.

Movies:  To attract a superhero you must act totally helpless and repeatedly get involved in situations you constantly need to be saved from.

Life:  The “superheroes” who have superpowers, like the supernatural, do not exist! There are real-life superheroes around us everyday, from the search and rescue force to the kid you gives up their seat to an old woman on the bus every morning, and I don’t think they would find constant helplessness an attractive trait.  Constantly putting yourself in dangerous situation you need to be saved from is not going to win you the love of your life, it’s just going to get you seriously injured or killed.  In this day and era, self empowerment and self reliance are qualities people are attracted to.

Movies: When you find out the love of your life is at the airport about to leave the city and you haven’t confessed your undying love for them, you race down to the airport to catch them just in the nick of time and stop them from leaving.

Life:  First of all, you could have saved yourself a lot of effort and just called them on their cell phone.  Second, just because you confess your love for them doesn’t mean that they are going to give up the life, job, holiday, etc that they are leaving in the first place for.  Third, they may not feel the same way about you that you feel about them.

Movies: Time will slow down the first time you lay eyes on the man/woman of you dreams.  The second you make eye contact you both will fall desperately in love with each other.

Life: You may find someone attractive but there is no way you can fall in love with them at first sight.  For true genuine love to occur you have to get to know the person and they, you.

Movies:  Extremely klutzy girls will cause men to fall in love with them by tripping and falling into their open arms or spilling a drink in their lap.

Life:  Although klutziness isn’t a bad thing, if you do fall it probably won’t be into a someone’s arms.  If someone does manage to catch you it will more likely cause embarrassment then a love connection.  This goes for spilling drinks as well.

Movies:  To attract the attention of your crush who has ignored you and brushed you off every time you talk to them, get a makeover.  Of course, after you attract their attention and you go on several dates they will admit to liking the pre-makeover you better.

Life:  If you have to get a makeover to attract someone then they obviously are not the kind of person worth being with.  The love of your life should be someone who loves you for who you are, not what you look like.