On every Urbanspoon (a trending website!) restaurant review page, the “opinions” section always has a “blog posts” section:

Their Spoonback feature enables your food reviews for specific food places to be shown in that section! Letting readers access your food review blogs that way is very advantageous. If you click back to some of my food reviews, you’ll see that they have been recently updated with this widget:

What this widget (or the several other variants that you can incorporate) does is it notifies Urbanspoon of your blog post. After a few days, you should hopefully be able to see your post of the food place in that section! Here’s the FAQ.
Many of you who are apt to blogging will know how to add widget to blogs by HTML codes. To insert the widget into the post, search up the restaurant that you have reviewed (doesn’t have to be in Calgary of course) and click the “add a blog post” button towards the bottom of the page.
You will see a page that looks similar to this with different sizes:
Copy the code on the right to your post in the HTML editor in the “edit post” interface, which is referred to by different names depending on the blog platform you use.
Youth Are Awesome is hosted on WordPress, where you can find the HTML editor as you switch from “visual” to “text” in “edit post”:
While the codes are be confusing, find what you’ve typed and the URLs you have inputted out of the long strings to help you place it where you would like it to be.
Update (5/15/2013) – Speaking of which, Urbanspoon has just approved one of the reviews I have updated with the widget! Here is what it looks like:
And ta-da! Let more interested readers enjoy your blogs filled with tasty food that can only make them drool! Use Spoonback to both your advantage and reader’s benefits. 🙂