Look further into your own perceptions

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The word perception is defined as the way an individual looks at something. It is not the description of how that something is or should be. Perceptions are often based on stereotypical images or traits.

As a new immigrant, the diversity Canada has to offer can be quite overwhelming. I confess of having judged people on their looks, styles, academics and various other parameters. But over time, I have realized that by judging people, you stay away from them and feel lonely and left out. But if you meet people and give them a fair chance, without having any preconceptions, chances of you meeting good people increase.

In my life so far, if I would have trusted my initial perceptions, I would have not met many of the best people in my life. So do not base your perceptions on stereotypes. It’s awesome to be out of the box and most essentially to be you.

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As human beings, we form perceptions about everything. This thing is not suitable for this occasion or this type of people don’t like such and such things. But trust me, people who go beyond these barriers of perception earn glories and they deserve it! A very glaring and recent example is none other than Miss America Nina Davuluri. She not only presented a fusion of Bollywood and Indian Classical dance at one of the biggest Western competitions ever, but also won it! Who in their dreams would think of experimenting in such an important competition, by performing a totally different form of art? But she did! And she could do it only because she believed in herself and was not afraid to show it off to the world. She has done a tremendously big task – an act that changed perceptions! So perceptions are not a tool to judge others, but indeed a tool to look at the world through your OWN eyes, in your OWN WAY!