How to make ice cream with liquid nitrogen


Yum! Liquid nitrogen ice cream!

If you love ice cream but hating waiting for it to freeze, then liquid nitrogen ice cream is perfect for you. Liquid nitrogen is -196°C, which is 200°C colder than your fridge. 76% of the atmospheris gases are composed of nitrogen – so don’t worry, you won’t die after eating the delicious treat. Liquid nitrogen is cheap since it is produced industrially by fractional distillation of air. Most places give away liquid nitrogen for free. You could also try to order some online which is about $1/L. If you are courageous and going to the doctor’s soon, you could ask if he could slip you some. Last but not least, always remember to handle nitrogen with care. That means liquid nitrogen and bare skin do not come along. Wear gloves, use towels, ask an adult for assistance, etc…

To make the treat, all you need is:

  • Heavy cream
  • Milk
  • Enough sugar to add sweetness (depends on how sweet you want it to be)
  • Flavouring: vanilla, chocolate, syrup, coffee, cookie dough or any other delicious flavours
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Stainless steel mixing bowl and wooden mixing spoon or electric mixers also work
  • Gloves

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Step 1: Figure out how much you are going to make. Cream to milk ratio = 2:1.8 tbspn of vanilla/galloon of mixing. About 1 cup of sugar/galloon. Multiply the total amount of ice cream by five to get the amount of liquid nitrogen needed.

Step 2: Mix all the ingredients except the liquid nitrogen in the mixing bowl using the wooden spoon until thoroughly blended.

Step 3: (Wear gloves) Add liquid nitrogen slowly and keep mixing the ice cream. For a better freeze, clamp the ice cream shut in a pressure pot after adding the liquid nitrogen.

Step 4: EAT!!!!