Life sucks, but then it doesn’t


You know what sucks? Breakups suck, endings suck, life sometimes just sucks, a lot. But you know what’s awesome? Realizing you’re going to be okay when it’s all over.

tumblr_my1w1eubO01r9n4hjo1_500Heartbreak and the my-life-is-over-I’m-going-to-die-alone type feeling really messes with your emotions, but at the same time, here’s a few things to do and learn how to be you, on your own, again!


1.Take up a hobby. The nice thing about this is it gives you the ability to get back into something you hadn’t had time to do for a while, or something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time to. Maybe your significant other hated whatever this hobby is, but you had a secret passion for it. Whatever your reason is, do the hobby, do it for you and have fun! Start knitting, reading, writing, painting, start playing a sport, anything really. Do something to distract you, but something you enjoy.

2. Go out with your friends. A lot of people don’t like doing this because they don’t want to seem like they’re going back to their friends only because they’re now single, trust me, don’t think that. Your friends love you and they want what’s best for you. They’ll be there while you mourn the end of the relationship and they’ll also take you out and try and take your mind off it. Trust them, sometimes they know what they’re doing, sometimes they don’t, but they’ll try to cheer you up. Plus, having strong friendships is always going to be important. And take the opportunity to let your friends introduce you to new people, because making new friends is a great way to distract yourself.

3. Give yourself time. Time heals all wounds. Cliche, but let’s be real, it’s true. You can’t expect to be okay and living life again within days. Mourn the end of the relationship, appreciate all the happiness and love it brought you, but understand that it was a part of your life and it wasn’t your whole life. You won’t be okay now, but you’ll be okay later on and wiser too.

4. Never doubt yourself. The relationship has come to an end and there can be a million reasons why it could of worked out and a billion reasons why it didn’t, but at thlarge-1e end of it, it’s you who has to live with you. Don’t ever consider yourself worth any less because you aren’t with that person anymore. It sounds typical as heck, but you’re young and you’re going to be okay. People come and go, a lot of the time they are learning lessons that hurt, but you can grow from them.

5. Live your life. Well, okay I’m just making this sound like some sappy life lesson, (it is a sappy life lesson, who am I kidding) but ultimately that’s what breakups are, they are lessons. Being in a relationship with someone provides you with a much more intimate friendship that you’re used to. It’s new and exciting and you’re getting to know someone on such a deep and emotional level, but you also need to learn not to lose yourself in that person. Love is a big thing to exaggerate when we’re teenagers, but I believe we learn how to love at a young age. Really being close with someone and learning everything that’s going on in our hormonal angst is a big deal these days, so we need to hold onto that. Once a breakup happens, being a teenager, you find yourself lost and no longer in control of your emotions, but that is okay. Take what you’ve learned from this person and let it help you grow. Grow and understand that people can be drastically different, they can be selfish or selfless, they can care too much or not enough, but take those lessons and move on and apply them to wherever your feelings and life takes you.

These are some of my personal opinions on what you can do to deal with your breakup, but from the health perspective, take a look here.