A few “Life Pro Tips”!


Recently, on sites like Reddit, there’s been an explosion of “Life Pro Tips.” A “Life Pro Tip” is short and concise that improves your life in one way or another. By using some of these simple tricks and tips, you may find that your life is way easier then before!

Here’s a few:

How to open nearly any knot:

Photo by reddit user: jumaklavita

Use a dustpan to fill a container that doesn’t fit in the sink

Photo by reddit user: mrfitzy

Use a staple remover to save your fingernails when trying to add things to your key ring

Photo by reddit user: RuncibleSpoon18

Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on, and keep paint off the side of the can

Cut open toilet paper rolls and use as a cuff to save your wrapping paper and keep it from unrolling

Photo by reddit user: thinkadinky


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