‘lettuce sandwich and make my bun wheat’


Fast food; convenient, cheap and pretty delicious, what’s there not to like? Spring break has ended and the routine of going to these places for lunch and after school continues. As a student myself I know how appealing fast food restaurants are. After some time away from the burgers and fries I decided to treat myself to some and my body did not feel too great after. Later some quick nutrition research (yay Google) I was shocked at what I had been feeding my body all this time.

Keeping the burger simple with no ‘double’, added bacon or cheese, and reasonable choices people would usually make–let the battle of burgers begin! Think the Big Mac from McDonalds is bad with 540 calories? Think again. The Angus Burger from McDonalds and Mozza Burger from A&W both win it with 600 calories and 39g of fat. But beating them all with the 730 calories, 47g of fat and 1400mg of sodium is the DQ quarter pounder Flame Thrower Burger. Ladies and gentleman we have a winner.

[youtube nWTYyx6PLZY ]

Now with the nice weather what great time for ice cream treats? The small chocolate milkshake from A&W is loaded with 127g of sugar! A small Oreo McFlurry contains 500 calories and small DQ Oreo Blizzard contains 630 calories. On the bright side, it is 35% of your daily calcium intake.

What do you get at Arby’s? Why their famous curly fries of course! I usually get a regular size of the curly fries which has 540 calories and 1230mg of sodium. Mmm, next time the small size?

Don’t be fooled, the ‘healthier’ choice on the menu may not be healthier for you. The sneaky add-ons and salad dressings can all add up! Without the dressing the Mighty Caesar entrée salad at McDonald with chicken has 410 calories with a lovely addition of 1190mg of sodium.

So occasionally indulge in these foods but keep in mind what exactly you are putting in your body. Check out the nutrition value on their website or some fast food chains have them printed on the other side of the menu.

Love yourself. Be kind to your body.