Let’s talk Mayor Rob Ford

CTV NEWS Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Canadian politics is commonly considered too clean and polished for international tabloids. We’re just too nice of a people I guess. Yet, in the recent couple of days, one certain Canadian has made shocking headlines throughout the world. No, it’s not Justin Bieber and his altercations in Brazil–including a video with a prostitute. It is none other than the eccentric and outspoken Toronto mayor, Rob Ford.

Some background information: in the early summer of 2013, media outlets alleged to have seen a video containing Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. At first, many believed this to be an asinine allegation against the beloved Mayor of Toronto. Following so, there came defensive counter-attacks by Rob Ford towards his instigators. Rob Ford had his supporters triumphed, and the story slowly faded away, outside the political conciousness of the Canadian public. That state of solace interrupted, as the Chief of Toronto Police, Bill Blair, announced that the Toronto Police have acquired the said video, and confirmed a man with the resemblance of Rob Ford.

Shocking world headlines and front pages of international media outlets, the confirmation to the alleged video’s existence spiraled into bedlam around the house of Mayor Rob Ford and Toronto City Hall. Ford later confirmed his use of the drug crack cocaine, saying he used  it in a “drunken stupor.”

Now recently, a new video surfaced pertaining to Rob Ford. Not another crack smoking video, but one that involves a drunken Rob Ford threatening to murder an unknown person.

With all of this said, let’s have a pep talk, just me and Ford. Rob Ford, I sincerely believe you need help. Please, whatever it takes, maybe a leave of absence, resignation, anything. As the week slowly unfolds, new ghosts have come out to haunt you of your past. Crack videos, empty threats, even so far as to bully the Toronto Chief of Police with vicious attacks for his resignation. Attacks stemming from Chief Bill Blair blankly telling reporters his opinion on an issue that has caused international stir. The Chief innocently said to reporters that he was disappointed, after you admitted to reporters you indeed, smoked crack cocaine. And if you have to admit to reporters you’ve used drugs in a “drunken stupor,” I will also begin to question your respect towards this issue by your word choice.

Your Worship, Rob Ford, your own personal reputation isn’t at stake here but also the city which you state that you “truly love.” These apologies have been nothing but feeble attempts to regain the trust of a city. A city that defended you when these allegations came up premature. A city that has been lied to, a city that lost all respect on an international scale.

Canada’s largest city has become a laughing stock throughout the world. Comedians have been milking this up. They say that if you smoke crack, you could be the Mayor of Toronto. Quite frankly, if you are the punch line on late night television with the likes of The Colbert Report or The Daily Show, you have utterly ruined the reputation yourself and one of Canada’s dearest cities. Toronto is no longer seen with the dignity the largest city of Canada should hold. Now throughout the world, Toronto is looked at as a punchline to a joke you’d say to others during cocktail parties.

Toronto Chief of Police answers in a press conference pertaining to allegations of a video containing Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. HUFFINGTON POST

A leader is meant to be a role model for an entire people. The role of the mayor is more than the commander in chief of a city. A mayor is an ambassador, the face of an entire people, a voice for the people you were voted to represent. Your citizens shouldn’t have to look up to a man who lies and attacks others to maintain his lies. A leader must set an example for what is right and wrong. What message does anyone send to others, when he has the words scandal and allegation tattooed on his forehead? You lose credibility when you lie, no longer can anyone see you with the respect and reverence a leader deserves.

You also hurt the people around you in the process. Majority of your citizens have voiced their cries for your resignation. Your own fellow city council-members, including your own Deputy-Mayor, have called for your resignation or at least a leave of absence.

A leader must obey the rules he enforces. You can’t simply make anyone adhere to dogma that you’ve made everyone believe when you said that you’d rid Toronto of crime, when you in fact participate with those you lock up. When the chief of police stated how disappointed he was, imagine how hurt he must feel. The chief, which vowed in 2005 to halt Toronto’s growing illegal drug trade, a chief whose policies were to rid crime from the city he dearly loves, now has to take orders from the very people he worked so hard to protect from.

Toronto citizens have chalked their outcry for Mayor Rob Ford to resign. CTV NEWS

Rob Ford, for the sake of your city, your people, and yourself, please take a break. It doesn’t matter how long; a week, a month, even forever, anything that could give the people of Toronto the redemption and healing they deserve. Under Toronto law, it is impossible to oust a Mayor unless he or she committed a crime. Though no charges have been laid, it’s better to make amends to everyone hurt in this scandal. First, with your fellow city council members and your family, the very people who stood by you the most during the entire allegation. Second, with the chief of police whom you have personally attacked for doing nothing but doing his job. Finally, the citizens of Toronto, the people you’ve been elected to work for. They’ve been hurt and lied to the most, and now, all that’s left is for you to seek atonement from them.

You’ve been a personal favourite of mine. I really mean that. You were charismatic and frank to your opponents. You were an eccentric and outspoken Canadian leader, and surely would be remembered as one of the greats. No one can deny the great deeds you’ve done for the great City of Toronto, but now all those wondrous actions wiped away with lies and regretful decisions.

Now whenever people hear your name, the words coined along side you are scandal and liar. Your own city is carrying these labels along side your political scramble. The honour and respect of a grand Canadian city was lost in the past week. Tarnished by the misguided actions that you’ve said was left in the past. The least you could do, is show your people a true, sincere, and heartfelt apology. Something that could give your people solace in a time of bedlam. This I say, and I do hope for the best.