Left Behind, How Students Are Being Affected By Covid Lockdowns


Students across the globe have been pulled backward this past year as though they’re tied to a rope. The constant variation between online and in-person schooling has left us confused, frustrated, and behind. A recent survey by CBC News suggests that 70% of educators say some students will never catch up. Friendships have dissipated with the devastating distance and loneliness has taken grip of many. Covid has of course, been less than ideal for everyone, but there is a large group of youth who are affected more than the average population. Imagine if you had an unsafe home or younger siblings to watch while parents are at work. There are a slew of scenarios that heighten the gap between students.

Why student safety tools are essential during a pandemic


Most conversations about school during the pandemic revolves around cheating and how young people are getting off easy. This could not be farther from the truth. Being sent home for 14 days after someone comes to class with covid is not an uncommon event. This leads to students spending weeks and months at a time alone. The possibility of leading a regular social life and enjoying your school years has all but gone out the window. Mental health, however, is merely the tip of the iceberg. Only critical content being taught to save time and the added element of cheating has created a volatile base for future education – like a jenga tower balanced on one piece. It is concerning that when students move on to the work force or university that piece has the potential to be pushed out and the tower collapse.

A 12-year-old from BC just built a Guinness World Record Jenga Tower - Curiocity Group Inc.


An entire generation of learners has been divided. Some will exit the pandemic with success and others with detrimental failure. It is critical that once the corona virus fades students are closely monitored and those who fall below grade standards are given extra attention. Accepting that youth will be disadvantaged for their lifetime due to an unforeseeable pandemic is not an option. We must all be conscious of the barriers that others climb through during these arduous times.